Kick allows you to automatically match receipts to transactions in three ways: text message, email forwarding, or manual upload**.** This ensures all expenses have proper documentation for tax and record-keeping purposes.
Add your phone number to the “Automated receipt matching” card under Actions. You should receive a text confirmation. Make sure to save the number as “Kick Receipts” or something similar.
One important detail to note is that Kick will recognize receipts from the phone number you enter here. So, for example, if your assistant texts a receipt from a different phone number, Kick won’t be able to match that receipt to your account.
You can forward or send any receipts via email from the email associated with your account. To add additional emails you would like to send receipts from navigate to Your Account in the top right corner —> Receipts.
If you’d like to forward receipts from a different email(s), click the “Add receipts email” button to add another email.
There is no set up required to upload your receipts to the Documents Tab. Simply begin uploading your receipts by dragging them into the Documents tab.
There are three ways to add receipts to Kick.